Monday 2 October 2017

A "Cool Treats" birthday


I'm currently on the Spanish island of Majorca, enjoying the sunshine and time with family, and a few "cervezas" before (and after) our daily siesta!!  The project I'm sharing with you today is one I made a few weeks ago, but had to schedule the post for a later date...i.e. after my sister's birthday!

My sister LOVES ice-cream. A quick look at her Facebook page will reveal she seems to travel the English countryside in search of the best soft-serve offerings.  So, what better stamp set to use for a birthday card than Cool Treats with coordinating Frozen Treats framelits dies.

I don't generally get to spend my sister's birthday with her, due to living on the opposite side of the world, so I wanted to make this card a bit more than 'just a card'.  Mini pizza boxes to the rescue!

How adorable are those boxes?!?!  They are a new item in this year's Stampin' Up! holiday catalogue.  I decorated the top of the box with a soft-serve ice cream, using the Marbled stamp to get the swirly effect on the ice cream. I made a little birthday card to fit into one of the 3"x3" envelopes to go inside the pizza box. And to finish it off, the card lies on a bed of 'fairy dust' sprinkles so that she can decorate her own ice cream at home.

As I'm lucky enough to be in the same hemisphere as my sister for a few weeks, I searched online for cool places to go for ice creams in London.  I couldn't go past Milk Train in Covent Garden - O.M.G...check out their website...!!! I'm so looking forward to the sugar overload you must surely feel after an ice-cream surrounded by candy (fairy) floss and topped with all sorts of sugary, gooey goodness!!  Everything in moderation they I'll just have one! I'm hoping my sister hasn't discovered this place yet as I made a little voucher to go inside her card which entitles her to anything she wants from the Milk Train menu (as long as she takes me and the rest of the family along with her!!)  We'll have to wait until we've finished our relaxing week in the sun before we get our very own "Cool Treats" but I think it'll be worth the wait.

Happy stampin' everyone
Lou x

If you live in Australia, you can click below to buy the products I used on today's card:

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