Sunday 23 July 2017

Global Design Project 096 | Case the Designer

Today I'm taking part in this week's Global Design Challenge. The theme for this week is CASE the Designer, and we are CASE-ing a design by Tanja Kolar. I love this kind of clean and simple layout - it can pretty much be adapted to any kind of stamps, paper or embellishments. 

The main element I took from Tanja's card was to keep the focal area in the top portion of the card. I created the background using Shimmery White cardstock, which I wet first with an aqua brush, before picking up the colour from inside the lid of the Tempting Turquoise ink pad and just brushing it quickly across the top section of the card. When you want to cover a large area of card like this with watercolour, you just need to make sure you have quite a wet brush so that the colour spreads around quickly.

I just love the Lift Me Up stamp set and coordinating dies...I really haven't shown it enough love (i.e. ink!) yet, so it was nice to have a bit of a play around with it again.
Thank for stopping by today, happy stampin' everyone!

Product List
Lift Me Up Clear-Mount Bundle
Lift Me Up Clear-Mount Bundle
Watermelon Wonder Classic Stampin' Pad
Watermelon Wonder Classic Stampin' Pad
Aqua Painters

Monday 10 July 2017

Global Design Project 095 | Theme Challenge

Gosh that last week went quickly!  That means we're halfway through the school holidays here in Canberra ðŸ˜Ÿ  The kids have had a great time so far, we have a few more things planned this week, finishing up with a trip to the snow on Saturday...yay!!

Anyway, talking of kids, that's what this week's Global Design Project challenge is all about! 

The card I made for it is perfect for my seven year old daughter...she loves birds, balloons and especially dogs.

After applying the embossing paste I used the heat gun on it, this made it kind of bubble up a little bit, which I liked as it gave the clouds a bit more texture.  Don't know if you can see the Wink of Stella on the balloon and the dog's collar, but I had to add some of love a bit of sparkle too!

One of the friendly locals at Lake Burrinjuck

The kids with our beloved dog, Guinness

...couldn't find a pic of my daughter with balloons...she does have five of them floating around her bedroom at the moment, but I refuse to show you all how messy her room is!

Product List

Saturday 8 July 2017

TGIF Color Challenge #TGIF115

Lemon Lime Twist and Berry Burst (two of the new Stampin' Up! 2017-19 In Colours) have to be two of my favourite colours at the moment. They just go so well together, don't you think? I noticed that the latest TGIF colour challenge included these colours, along with another new one, Tranquil Tide, so I thought I'd play along with the challenge.  

Here's what I came up can never have enough birthday cards ready to go, eh?

Thanks for looking, happy stampin' everyone!


These are the products I used to make this card:

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Global Design Project 094 | Sketch Challenge

Today (for the first time ever!) I'm taking part in the Global Design Project Challenge. This is a weekly challenge which is run by some VERY talented crafters from around the world. I couldn't tell you how many hours I've spent over the last couple of years hopping around their blogs, and the blogs of those who take's well worth the trip, so why not head over to the Global Design Project Page and check out some more of this week's entries.

This is the sketch they set for this week's challenge...

...and this is what I came up with...I hope you like it!

I used the following products to make this card:

Monday 3 July 2017


Hello...and thank you for visiting my blog!  

This blogging lark is all completely new to me, so I'm still teaching myself how to navigate around Blogland. I've never had a very good sense of direction, so it may take me a while to get up to speed with all the fancy gadgets and knick-knacks that are available, but I figure why not take the plunge and see if I can work this thing out...millions of others have already, so why not me! 

As this blog is going to be all about one of the things I love most ('cos my family should probably be top of that list, eh?) I figured I should include at least one card that I've made recently.  This is using a new set from the 2017-18 Stampin' Up! catalogue called You've Got Style. The minute I saw the set it reminded me of my dear nan, Joyce. She used to wear a huge mink coat, was always extremely well dressed and adorned with lots of jewellery. She owned and ran a pub in Kent, England for many years throughout her working life, so the glass of bubbles is very fitting. 

Until next time, happy stampin' everyone!


Here are the supplies needed to make this project. Just click on the product to purchase them.