Monday 10 July 2017

Global Design Project 095 | Theme Challenge

Gosh that last week went quickly!  That means we're halfway through the school holidays here in Canberra ðŸ˜Ÿ  The kids have had a great time so far, we have a few more things planned this week, finishing up with a trip to the snow on Saturday...yay!!

Anyway, talking of kids, that's what this week's Global Design Project challenge is all about! 

The card I made for it is perfect for my seven year old daughter...she loves birds, balloons and especially dogs.

After applying the embossing paste I used the heat gun on it, this made it kind of bubble up a little bit, which I liked as it gave the clouds a bit more texture.  Don't know if you can see the Wink of Stella on the balloon and the dog's collar, but I had to add some of love a bit of sparkle too!

One of the friendly locals at Lake Burrinjuck

The kids with our beloved dog, Guinness

...couldn't find a pic of my daughter with balloons...she does have five of them floating around her bedroom at the moment, but I refuse to show you all how messy her room is!

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