Wednesday 5 July 2017

Global Design Project 094 | Sketch Challenge

Today (for the first time ever!) I'm taking part in the Global Design Project Challenge. This is a weekly challenge which is run by some VERY talented crafters from around the world. I couldn't tell you how many hours I've spent over the last couple of years hopping around their blogs, and the blogs of those who take's well worth the trip, so why not head over to the Global Design Project Page and check out some more of this week's entries.

This is the sketch they set for this week's challenge...

...and this is what I came up with...I hope you like it!

I used the following products to make this card:


  1. Hi Lou, this card is fabulous and I was so excited to see your name on the GDP! Congrats on your new blog. xo

  2. Thanks so much Lou...looking forward to hopefully entering more challenges in the future! xx
